
Get in Touch

Cred-it-data’s helpline is open to help with credit vetting enquiries or feedback.
Please feel free to drop us an email using the form below.
We will get back to you as soon as we can.

Cred-it-data is a credit bureau servicing commercial clients only. Cred-it-data cannot supply credit for individuals, or aid individuals in applying for or receiving credit. We also cannot help with improving individuals’ credit scores.

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Make an Enquiry

Fill out the contact form and submit an enquiry today to start your journey into the known!

    Your business email address

    A mobile number is preferred

    I understand that Cred-it-data is a credit bureau servicing commercial clients only, and cannot provide services to private individuals.

    Go to FAQ and Knowledge base library


    Visit our Frequently Asked
    Questions page to answer
    any other questions you
    may have.

    Kiepersol House,
    Stonemill Office Park,
    300 Acacia Road, Darrenwood, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

    Office Hours

    Monday to Friday
    08:30 to 16:30

    We are closed on all South African public holidays.

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    journey into the known